

To set up APE Web, you need to have either:

We recommend using Docker to set up APE Web.


First, copy the .env file in the front-end directory to a new file named .env.production.local. In this file, change any of the URL configurations as necessary. If APE Web runs behind an Apache or Nginx proxy, these can most likely be kept as localhost.


Do make sure to change the APPLICATION_SECRET to ensure secure session storage.

If you wish to change the port of the front-end, or the database username and password, you need to edit the Docker compose environment file: go to the root directory of the project and copy the .env file to a new file named .env.local. Change the values as needed.


Make sure the FE_PORT in the environment file in the root directory matches the port of NEXT_PUBLIC_FE_URL in the environment file from the front-end.

Docker setup

Running the container

After configuring APE Web, you can start APE Web by running:

docker-compose up -d

Creating the first administrator account (Docker)

After setting up APE Web and running it for the first time, you should create an initial administrator account. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Register a user on the website.

  2. Use the script that is found in the scripts directory. This script requires the following parameters:

  • The MongoDB database container name.

  • The MongoDB database root username and password.

  • The e-mail address of the user which should be made an administrator.

After the script is done, the user with the given e-mail address will be an administrator on the website.

Manual setup


First, the back-end needs to be built. To build the back-end, navigate to the back-end directory and run:

mvn package -DskipTests=true

The built back-end-<version>.jar file can now be found in the “target” directory.

Before running the back-end, make sure the MongoDB database is running. The back-end will not start if it cannot make a connection to the database. If the database is online, start the back-end using:

java -jar back-end-<version>.jar


To create an optimized production build, run the command following command in the front-end directory:

npm run build

To start the production build, now run:

npm run start

Creating the first administrator account (manually)

After setting up APE Web and running it for the first time, you should create an initial administrator account. To do so, first create an account on the website, then connect to your MongoDB database and run the following commands, where the e-mail address is replaced with the e-mail address of the account that should be made an administrator.

use ape

var newAdmin = db.user.findOne(
{ "email": { $eq: "email@email.mail" } }

  { $set: { status: "Approved" } }

  { userId: newAdmin._id },
  { $set: { status: "Approved" } }

  { userId: newAdmin._id, adminStatus: "Active" }

This will find the user account with the given e-mail address, and apply the following changes to it:

  • Approve the account on the website so it is activated.

  • Update the approve request as the account has now been approved.

  • Give the account an admin status on the website.